Monday, September 21, 2009

NYC, Fuel, and DC Tour

1) New York City: I attended my first fashion week - it was fun & interesting.
Monarchy on opening day was very well done (congrats to Traci Wagner!) -
so were Caravan, and Loris.

Also saw some great shows:

2) Next stop: Lake Eerie, PA, where I joined Josh & Rebecca of Team FUEL, and the VeggieVan crew.
Together we toured one of the biggest Biodiesel plant in the country:


We screened the movie that night at a beautiful majestic, 2000-seat theater:

3) We then headed to Washington DC, where we unveiled the Algaeus:
the World's first algae powered, plug-in hybrid. It gets 150 miles-per-gallon:

And held a press conference by Capitol Hill, along with several Congressmen, Sapphire Energy, and the media:

It was interesting to be in a place, where decisions on how to run our country were being made daily. Washington has many parallels to Hollywood - I'll share more another time.

You've just witnessed my first blog ever. More to come soon,



  1. Wow, the algae powered hybrid looks awesome! Will you be driving one soon? :)

    I visited Washinging DC a few months ago and really enjoyed it. The cherry blossoms look amazing in the spring time!

  2. Great stuff, and the Algaeus is *hot*. What a balanced life you lead. Looking forward to seeing the Heroes season premiere tonight!

  3. First blog! Nice! :D Welcome to the blogosphere :D

  4. the algaeus looks pretty neat! and that Fuel video was pretty interesting.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Assimilation is imminent.

    Awesome Heroes premiere tonight, Ando needs more screentime!

  7. I am so excited for your first blog post! =) Looking forward to more posts!

    Totally love that photo of you and FUEL and Vegie Van in front of the huuuuge biodiesel plant!

  8. i am assuming these are the things that you are passionate about and that is really refreshing for me because I care so much about the planet but don't have the means to do all the things that you can do because of your celeb status. Really awesome, I look forward to more posts from you

  9. hiii James, i have a question for you. Could you tell where and how can I get your old movies as Snapdragon, Beef Palace? I cant find it because it isnt on sell. Could you up these films to internet to download them?
    thank you very much
    Ana, a big fan of you
